Friday, December 01, 2006

It's back!

Coming January 0f 2007, the second edition of Concordia- The Lutheran Confessions will be available. I encourage every Lutheran household to own either this edition or one of the older versions, such as Tappert or Kolb/Wengert. This edition is nice because it contains many helps that make studying the Confessions more user friendlier. Not only should all Lutherans have a copy of our Lutheran Confessions in their home; but, also should read, mark and inwardly digest it. Start with the "Small and Large Catechisms," then, "The Augsburg Confession" and move on from there. God bless.


At 5:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know a certain person at Concordia Publishing House who told me that he actually had his hand on an advanced printing, called a "book block" ... sent to the publishing house as a press check. Cool!

I also know for a fact that this new edition is NOT going to make the DayStar/JesusFirst crowd happy, for it allows the controversial translation of LC II.66 to stand. Ouch.

At 3:16 PM, Blogger Borg+ said...

What could be offensive with the Large Catechism? sorry for my ignorance.

At 9:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The controversial translation is as follows:

"These articles of the Creed, therefore, divide and separate us Christians from all other people on earth. Even if we were to concede that everyone outside Christianity--whether heathen, Turks, Jews, or false Christians and hypocrites--believe in and worship only one true God, it would still be true that they do not know what His mind toward them is and cannot expect any love or blessing from Him. Therefore, they abide in eternal wrath and damnation. For they do not have the Lord Christ, and besides, are not illumined and favored by any gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:9-16; Hebrews 6:4-6).

Martin Luther
The Large Catechism, II:66
in Concordia: The Faith of the Lutheran Church

In the current political environment of the LCMS, one of the points of theological concern is that some officials have taken the position that Muslims and Christians worship the same God. This translation, unlike some other translations of the Book of Concord, makes the Lutheran position somewhat clearer by making the idea that there is one God worshiped by all monotheistic religions purely a matter of conjecture.


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