Standing Up For What You Believe In!
From the beginning of my ministry (1998), people, especially District executives, have said that I needed to change my viewpoints on worship. The historic liturgy was on its way out. People today need something more. They need bands and contemporary music. Hymns were too old-fashioned. For a church to be successful, it had to have a contemporary service. But, it is my firmest conviction, that what people need is the Word of God and the historic liturgy, our hymns and confessional Lutheran worship is the best way to bring that to them. We don't need to change who we are for the sake of increasing our membership. Yes, there will be some people that demand a certain type of worship. But, I believe that if people truly understand how our confessional Lutheran worship is structured and why we do what we do, they will desire it. The bottom line is that we have been given a beautiful and magnificent form of worship, i.e. the historic Lutheran liturgy and we must hold on to that no matter what. I will believe that for as long as God allows me to serve Him as pastor. S0li Deo Gloria!
Don't ever move away from the historic liturgy. Liturgical worship (both DS at church and Matins/Vespers at home) have been instrumental in teaching my kids the faith even before they can read. It is the rock of elderly people when they lose their sight and other faculties.
Teaching people why we do things increases that acceptance. I think too many people just do things without having more of a reason than "that's the way we've always done it." They are taught the ritual but not the history, and they make the same doctrinal mistakes as others before them.
I couldn't agree with either of you more. Members of other Lutheran churches sometimes cannot believe that we do not offer a so-called contemporary service. Why should we set aside something that marks us as part of the Church catholic and yet makes us distinctive among American Christians?
In the early nineties, I was a founding member of a new ELCA church in the eastern suburbs of Cleveland.After serving on the Worship and Music commitee,Choir,Worship leader of the preschool group,childrens sermons and numerous other positions,I finally threw my hands up in despair.I fought a losing battle with the new ecumenicalism.
Our services lacked any dignity,and were sophmoric and self indulgent.
I was told by our pastor I could NOT teach the children"Onward Christian Soldiers"as it was too warlike.
Selections of traditional Lutheran hymns for the service were replaced with "praise Music",and the music leaders had no lutheran background.One of the older members commented after a service,that she was waiting for a cocktail waitress to take her drink order.
It truly was all about making you "feel good"
Our rich traditions were lost and with much sadness we left.
Still looking for a lutheran church on the east side.
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