Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I'm Sick of It! Lord have mercy.

Greetings in the name of Jesus.

Having a blog gives me the opportunity to say what I want to say. Something that has been on my mind for quite some time is our national obsession with immorality and deviant sexuality. We are getting so immune to it. Everywhere you look, there is some company or business cheapening and denigrating sexuality. So many movies and television shows promote adulterous and promiscuous relationships. Even children's programs have subtle sexual themes now and again. There are pre-conceived notions as to what is attractive and what is acceptable and if you don't fit the mold, you are less than a person. Is there any wonder, we have so many problems. There was a school here in the Canton area that had 65 out of 490 girls who ended up pregnant, that's 13%. Can you believe that? Something that was intended to be "very good" is manipulated and abused everywhere you look. I am so sick of ladies showing off their mid-sections. I am so sick of young girls who try so hard to be "sexy" far too early. A radio talk personality calls them "Prostitots." I am so sick of men going outside of marriage to find fulfillment. I am so sick of all the pornographic sites on the internet, all the chat rooms, all the advertisements. I am so sick of cameramen, at a sporting event, when there is a lull in the action, focusing the camera on some "attractive" lady. If there is something that is going to destroy us as a country, this is this. How long will God put up with it? May we repent of our sins, and may the Lord have mercy on our souls. Thank you for listening.


At 2:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If there is something that is going to destroy us as a country, this is this."
I hear a lot of comments like this these days. [eg "The hurricane was God's judgement."]
Don't these comments flirt with Prosperity Theology?
Destructions are certain and probably more on auto-pilot [sin-infested] course than by active Divine retribution if at all. No doubt, the ruins of social fabric hasten the destructions.

At 10:57 AM, Blogger Genuine Lustre said...

Amen! I think this sort of thing has always gone on, but technology pipes it into our homes and everywhere.
Just last week in church a young lady sat in front of us wearing low cut jeans and a skin tight camisole. This girl could stand to lose 30 lbs - rolls of flesh everywhere. This was something that nobody -- including my 2 sons and husband -- needed to see while trying to focus on the liturgy. How to approach such a person about their mode of dress?
I feel sorry for my teenage boys. What will their children face?

At 11:44 PM, Blogger Orycteropus Afer said...

Please don't let this be your final post! Come back, Jim!

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